Our training program (National and in our local area) is designed to provide adult members with the opportunity to obtain the skills and resources needed to carry out various Guiding positions confidently. Training is a great way to connect with other Guiders, share ideas, and remain energized about Guiding. Ranger-aged members are also welcome to take these trainings.
Link to National training opportunities: https://mbr.girlguides.ca/MZ/Training/Copy_of_Training_for_Adult_Members/MZ/Training/Training.aspx?hkey=85453872-e9aa-45b9-9e62-1563006f9f7e
Upcoming Training and Events
For questions and/or to register, email [email protected]
In your email to register, please include the following:
1. Your name.
2. Your district
3. The branch level and name of the Unit you are working with.
4. Your UB # (if cost is involved)
5. Your iMIS #
6. Your cell # during the session
7. If attending a training with youth, provide an estimate # of youth and other Guiders that will be attending.
Training Sesson
Date and Time
Orientation – World of Guiding
A chance to look at the big picture of Guiding…who we are, our roots, what we do
and why we do it. How to take the whole year and divide it into manageable bites
so that you can do it all, have fun and not burn out! This may be the most important training you ever take!
Guide House, North Vancouver
Sat. Oct. 19, 2024 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Unit Guider Training
We will cover ALL the basics from shared leadership, how to control meeting
chaos to music, games, meeting structure, planning as well as
how to apply your program in a fun and engaging way…
This training builds on the New Guider Learning Path (e-learning/Memberzone)
*The Girl Program *Building Unit Guider Skills *Safe & Inclusive Space *Safe
Guide *All About the Branch
Guide House, North Vancouver
Sat. Oct. 19, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm
District Treasurer Training
Guide House, North Vancouver
Sat. Oct. 19, 2024 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Unit Treasurer Training
Guide House, North Vancouver
Sat. Oct. 19, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm
Guider Meet Up and Check In
Check-in and connect with other branch level Guiders and talk about what’s working or maybe not working. Bring your successes, your ideas, your questions.
This interactive session will be facilitated by experienced Guiders and will include some fun opening and closing ideas that you can take back to use in your Unit meeting immediately!
*Stay for the afternoon and refresh or enhance your Safe Guide knowledge!
Guide House, North Vancouver
Cost: Free!
Sat. Jan. 18, 2025 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Registration deadline: January 12, 2025
This session is perfect for both brand new and also experienced Guiders who are interested in a refresher.
Guide House, North Vancouver
Cost: Free
Sat. Jan. 18, 2025 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Registration deadline: January 12, 2025
Treasurer Training (online)
This session will be led by Shelagh Weightman, Lions Area Treasurer.
We will cover everything you need to know to be confident in your ‘Treasurer’ position including…Unified Banking Q&A, your role (Unit or District), review of financial record keeping basics, the importance of budgets, GST posting on camping fees and events, tips and tricks to keep track of cookies and get paid on time, how to record, report & claim GST rebates, Children’s Art tax credit, how to deal with Banks, how clear and concise communication skills can get you what you want…
Via Teams (You will receive the link a few days before)
Cost: Free
Thu. Jan. 23, 2025 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Registration deadline: January 18, 2025
Big Training Day
This fun session will be full of chances to interact and share with like-minded Guiders!
PLUS, there are prizes to be won for your Unit!
The list of prizes includes…
1-a Unit meeting offered by Northwest Wildlife Preservation Society (nature walk or indoors)
ALSO, lots of prizes to enhance your Unit program work!
2-Craft Fun with Tracy!
3-STEM with Lisa!
4-A Living Guiding History and storytelling with Katie!
5-Orienteering with Clare
And possibly (we’re working on it)
6-a visit from the Grouse Mountain OWL program!
Remember you gotta be there to win!
Guide House, North Vancouver
Cost: Free
Sat. Feb. 01, 2025 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Registration Deadline: January 25, 2025
Foodsafe Level 1 Training
Important information for all QM’s and those handling food.
In this training, you will learn
about safe handling, preparation and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness.
The certificate is good for 5 years.
Participants must pass the written multiple-choice exam (70% is required).
Guide House, North Vancouver
Cost: $55.00 (fee based on 21+ students)
Includes workbook & certification.
Area & Districts have financial policies to support Guiders.
Speak with your DC about the fee. Districts will be invoiced.
Sun. Feb. 02, 2025 from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Registration Deadline: January 25, 2025
Standard First Aid
3 year certificate
Guide House, North Vancouver
Cost: $90.00. Talk to your District Commissioner about a possible subsidy
Training is conducted in person and over two days: Sun. Mar. 09 and Sun. Mar. 16 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Registration Deadline: February 09, 2025
Guiding Level
Pathfinders, Rangers and Trex
This is an opportunity for the girls to challenge themselves and their outdoor skills as they work together in teams to figure out outdoor cooking challenges, an orienteering challenge and an interesting tent challenge. BTW, we’ll teach the girls how to use a compass prior to the orienteering challenge.
Cates Park, Dollarton Highway, North Vancouver
Date and Time
Sat. Oct. 5, 2024 from 12:00 to 5:00
Registration Deadline
Sat. Sep. 28, 2024
$10.00 per girl
Each unit will be charged for the number of girls registered by the Sep. 28 deadline
This is a green level activity. Please provide ratio for your girls and have access to health forms. An SG 4 will be provided to all attending Guiders prior to the event. An event First Aider will be in attendance.
Please advise Trainers if a girl/Guider has not provided permission for her photo to be taken.
Guiding Level
Guides and Pathfinders
All you need to know to safely camp, hike and play on the wet and wintery West Coast. We will explore what to wear and not to wear, what and how to pack, nutrition to keep you energized and how to stay warm in cold and wet conditions.
Guide House, North Vancouver
Date and Time
Sat. Nov. 16, 2024 from 10:00 to 12.30
Sat. Nov. 16, 2024 from 1:00 to 3:30
Register for morning or afternoon sessions (first to register, first choice of session)
$5.00 per girl
Each unit will be charged for the number of girls registered by the Nov. 11 deadline
Registration Deadline
Mon. Nov. 11, 2024
This is a green level activity. Please provide ratio for your girls and have access to health forms. An SG 4 will be provided to all attending Guiders prior to the event. An event First Aider will be in attendance.
Please advise Trainers if a girl/Guider has not provided permission for her photo to be taken.
Guiding Level
Pathfinders, Rangers, Trex and Guiders (from all levels) interested in learning how to camp in the snow and subzero temperatures. Guiders do not have to bring their Units.
If you have already attended Winter camp and wish to do so again, please contact Lions Area Training attn. Clare, Camp Advisor to discuss the possibility of joining the camp.
This is an opportunity to learn how to prepare, to camp in tents, eat, stay warm and play safely in cold Winter conditions.
Prior to the camp there will be two meetings:
- Parent/girl/Guider meeting to discuss the camp and address questions. Also, to learn what to bring, how to pack, how to recognize and deal with hypothermia and how to erect Winter tents.
- There will be a gear check for all participating girls and Guiders one week before the camp.
These two prep meetings are mandatory for girls and Guiders. Because this is a training camp, Guiders will decide together on roles such as QM, treasurer, First Aider and budget.
Callaghan Valley. Just south of Whistler
Date and Time
Feb. 14 – 16, 2025
The camp starts at 12:00 on Friday and ends at 12:00 on Sunday. Girls will need to take a day off school and Guiders a day off work on Friday.
Approx. $70 to $80
To be finalized
This is a red level activity. Guiders must provide ratio and have access to health forms. The training team will take care of the paperwork: SG 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Please advise Trainers if a girl/Guider has not provided permission for her photo to be taken.
Guiding Level
Guiders (of all branch levels) interested in earning their OAL training level 1 and 2. Refer to https://mbr.girlguides.ca/Documents/MZ/Training/OAL Program Overview.pdf for more details of the OAL program.
Guide aged girls who have not attended camp skills training before.
This is an opportunity for Guiders, newish to Guiding and camping, to learn all about getting outside with their Units and how to run a fun and safe camp. We will cover everything from budgeting, outdoor cooking, how to set up and run a tent camp, activities and much, much more. You will be sleeping in a tent for two nights. This is excellent training for a future SOAR camp. It is also an opportunity for Guide aged girls, new to camping to learn about basic outdoor camping skills. Guiders and girls will be trained both apart and together depending on the activity. Guiders will be asked to attend a planning meeting prior to the camp.
Numbers for this camp are limited (due to location and number of available trainers). We can train approximately IO Guiders and 30 girls. Depending on interest we may have to set up a lottery system to determine the Units/girls we can take accommodate. With this is mind registration will open now and close early so Units can plan their year and camps accordingly.
Group Camp Site A, Alice Lake Provincial Park. North of Squamish.
Date and Time
Apr. 25 – 27, 2025
From 6:00pm on Friday to 12:00 on Sunday.
Approx. $80 per girl. Guiders are free.
This is a yellow level activity for girls. Trainers will provide SG I, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4. Trainers will designate a First Aider for the weekend. Guiders bringing girls must provide appropriate ratio and have access to health forms.
Please advise Trainers if a girl/Guider has not provided permission for her photo to be taken.
Guiding Level
Available to all branch levels of Guiding
If your Unit is interested in learning and practicing an outdoor skill, let us know and one or two trainers will come to your Unit and help you out. Outdoor skills include how to make a shelter, put up and also care for a tent, knife and hatchet skills, outdoor cooking, gadget making and knots, orienteering, geocaching etc.
Also, if you need support with camp planning, set up and execution, let us know.
Meet the team

The smiles are real! Our trainers take to the Broughton Archipelago waters, Northern Vancouver Island 2023.
Alison Speirs, Area Training Advisor
[email protected]
Alison has been a Trainer for more than 30 years and is presently the Area Training Advisor. She feels that Guiding has shaped her life in a thousand wonderful ways and has many happy memories of Guiding growing up. Alison has been a leader in all branch levels, and a District Commissioner. She invites you to share her passion and enthusiasm for Training!
Val Clark, Deputy Training Advisor and Registrar and e-learning
[email protected]
Valerie has been involved in Girl Guides for as long as she can remember. She’s worked her way through the girl programs and was a Sparks leader for 8 years. She has been with the Training team for the past 20 years. She looks forward to meeting you at the next Training!
Annalisa Adam
[email protected]
A Brownie, Guide, Pathfinder and Ranger herself, Annalisa has now been a leader for all those branches as well as holding various Council positions – District Commissioner and a member of the Provincial Training Committee. Annalisa’s passion for Guiding include camping, travelling (near and far) and sharing new adventures with the girls. She encourages all leaders to challenge themselves and their units to get out of their comfort zones and try something new.
Katie Caple
[email protected]
Katie loves music in Guiding, camping, walking and hiking, having fun, and basically anything to do with the Arts (not so much crafts). She has been Guiding for more than 50 years – from Vancouver to Prince George and now the Sunshine Coast. She is currently a member of the Panther Trefoil Guild on the Sunshine Coast, and she loves to do anything and everything with her grandchildren.
Tracy L. Clark
[email protected]
Tracy has been a Guider in Lions Area for over 40 years, with positions ranging from Unit Guider to District, Division and Area Commissioner as well as several Provincial Guiding positions – adding to her illustrious Guiding career.
Tracy loves Sparks and Embers and seeing their eyes light up with they accomplish a task or craft, or seeing something on a hike they did not expect. She loves to do crafts and show everyone that they are not as scary as they seem. She is passionate about making sure everyone is having FUN!!!
Susan Gilmour
[email protected]
Susan is passionate about sharing her experiences as a Unit Guider with new Guiders. Susan started as a Sparks Leader many years ago and has been a leader with Embers, Guides and Pathfinders. She enjoys the traditions, community service opportunities, and outdoor activities associated with Guiding.
Tamsin Guppy
[email protected]
Involved in Girl Guides for many years, Tamsin continues to be involved because of her love of the outdoors and her desire to share her enjoyment with others. Tamsin’s favourite guiding activities are back-country camping, hiking, kayaking, cycling and snowshoeing. Tamsin enjoys helping get groups outside and can come to your unit to help you develop skills for future camps or other outdoor activities. Look out for Tamsin teaching at any outdoor training.
Clare Lakes, Area Camp Advisor
[email protected]
Clare, our Area Camp Advisor, is happiest when cooking over a camp fire, sleeping in a tent, hiking in the mountains or digging a shelter in the snow at Winter camp.
Clare has enjoyed leading girls through Sparks, Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders. She continues to be involved in Guiding as she shares her experience and love of the outdoors as a Trainer.
Maureen Rennie
[email protected]
Maureen wants more girls to experience outdoor camping and adventurous activities. Serving as a trainer has been a rewarding way to share her experience and perspective and encourage new leaders to take their girls out into nature for fun and challenging experiences with friends. Maureen also loves leading campfire singing and teaching canoeing and kayaking skills.
Evaluations from Training participants…
…New Guider Training Day was just so much fun! I really was dreading going and wasting a full day but the time flew and I learned so much that will help me this year with my Brownies! Thanks!
I was really shy about attending New Guider Training Day but my District Commissioner picked me up and brought me to the training and it was just great! I met so many new Guiders just like me! A group of us are planning to meet for coffee…I was so impressed with everything…thanks!
My Guiding buddy and I arrived together not expecting anything special…but wow! Someone with balloons met us right in the parking lot…we had no doubt that we were in the right place! Thanks!
The Trainers at Guide Camp Skills Day were just great…so patient and kind! The best part was the look on the girl’s faces when they lit a match for the first time! So much fun…we can hardly wait to go camping and try out our new skills!
Safe Guide wasn’t boring like they told me…every moment was full of good, clear, concise information…thanks to Val…she was awesome! I am actually looking forward to completing my first set of Safe Guide forms for our next camp!
…I cannot fully express how connected I feel to Guiding at the moment…what a weekend! I thought that I had seen and done everything Guiding but this was purely magical…I highly recommend an enrichment retreat/overnight to everyone!
I was totally feeling overwhelmed…but now I feel like this is doable…
I love how the training has given so many great take home ideas to try out immediately…thanks!